Chiropractic for Neck Pain - St. Augustine, FL

Most treatments fail to address the root cause of chronic pain and tension in the neck and upper back. This means that, even if a therapy provides some relief, many people find that the pain and muscle spasms return.

The cause of chronic pain and tension is known as the cumulative injury cycle. According to the law of repetitive motion:

This means that anytime we use our body too repetitively, especially without enough rest, tissue damage occurs. The two most common ways this happens today are repetitive lifting (manual labor) and long periods of static posture sitting at a desk. The cumulative stress of these activities damages the tendons, ligaments, and vertebral discs, leading to inflammation, pain, and arthritis.

Damage to the vertebral discs is the main reason neck pain is so difficult to eliminate. The outer layers of the discs, known as the annulus fibrosis, are the most pain sensitive structures in the spine. When these fibers are irritated by mechanical stress, they refer pain and tension into the shoulder blades and traps. Without addressing the problem at the joint, the muscles in the neck and shoulder will never completely relax.

The Answer to Neck and Shoulder Pain:

An effective, permanent solution to neck pain means addressing all of the variables below:

·         Restore range of motion: Dr. Austin uses chiropractic adjustment and a variety of manual therapy techniques to relieve tense muscles and restore normal movement to the joints of the spine. Loss of motion is the number one cause of neck pain and disc degeneration.

·         Reduce inflammation: Pain and stiffness caused by inflammation can be relieved a number of ways. Cold therapy helps reduce swelling and nerve sensitivity. Natural anti-inflammatories such as curcumin, or NSAIDS, can help lessen the pain. Gentle movement and stretching can coax the tension out of stressed muscles.

·         Rehabilitate deficits in strength/flexibility: Most chronic neck issues are caused by an imbalance in the strength and flexibility of different muscle groups. Permanent recovery requires correcting the imbalance that lead to the problem. Dr. Austin Mosley creates a personalized routine for each patient to address their unique needs. When the musculoskeletal system works in balance, the body becomes much more resilient against injury.

·         Support tissue growth/recovery: Adequate nutrition, proper digestion, and sufficient rest are all necessary for healing. Supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supports the development of strong cartilage and discs. A consistent, well balanced exercise routine fosters overall health and prevents future injuries.

·         Modify daily activities: Creating an ergonomic workstation, using correct biomechanics, and taking enough breaks throughout the day all help reduce the accumulation of stress related injuries.

Are you living with neck and shoulder pain? Contact Dr. Austin Mosley at Paradigm Chiropractic today to schedule a free chiropractic consultation.