Chiropractic for Back Pain - St. Augustine, FL

The most common reason for lower back pain is damage and inflammation in the lumbar discs. When we reach puberty, the discs no longer receive any blood supply. Because of this, they are more susceptible to injury and strain. When the discs are subjected to daily stress, they begin to break down faster than they can repair.

The vertebral discs are made of two parts; a fibrous outer layer of cartilage called the annulus fibrosis, and a jelly-like material in the center called the nucleus pulposus. The health of each disc is dependent on its ability to absorb water and nutrients from the surrounding bone via diffusion.

A small amount of fluid flows into the discs naturally through osmosis. However, this is insufficient to maintain disc health. In order to increase the flow of nutrients into the discs, daily movement of each spinal segment is necessary. Movement creates an accordion-like compression/decompression cycle in the disc, and mechanically pumps metabolic waste out of the disc, and fresh nutrients in. This is why consistent exercise is so important for health and longevity.

Frequently, the movement of individual spinal segments becomes restricted due to compression. The most common ways this occurs are prolonged sitting (desk work) and repetitive lifting (manual labor). When movement at the disc is restricted by compressive forces, it becomes starved and dehydrated. Over time, the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of repair, and degenerative disc disease develops. After the degeneration progresses far enough, the outer fibers of the disc are likely to rupture, causing the nucleus of the disc to ooze out. This accelerates the process of disc degeneration, and can lead to nerve pain or paralysis.

So how do you prevent Degenerative Disc Disease? By restoring and maintaining healthy movement in the discs! The key is creating a positive balance between the rate of breakdown and the rate of repair. For example, if you worked out the same muscle at the gym 7 days a week, it would eventually become injured. Alternatively, the correct balance of exercise, stretching, and rest allow the muscle to grow strong and resilient. The same is true for the discs!

How to Eliminate and Prevent low back pain:

·         Chiropractic adjustments: Regular adjustments relieve compression on the discs, allowing them to move naturally. Remember that movement is vital to the health and recovery of the discs.

·         Develop Core Strength/Stamina: The core muscles support the spine and maintain posture. Weakness in these muscles causes lack of support and puts extra pressure on the discs. Dr. Austin prescribes specific exercises to address the needs of each patient.

·         Develop Flexibility: Tense muscles in the hips and low back increase the pressure on the discs, inhibiting their ability to repair. Dr. Austin uses a variety of massage and myofascial release techniques to relieve the tension and allow the injured tissues to heal. Progress is maintained through stretching exercises targeted towards a patient’s specific needs.

·         Modify Daily Activities: Good posture, proper ergonomics, and sufficient rest are all necessary for maintaining health. These factors will be addressed on a case by case basis.

Learn More:

Watch this educational video to learn about the lumbar spine, understand how the spinal discs function, and how back pain stems from lower back conditions.

Don’t let low back pain interfere with daily activities and enjoying your life. Contact Dr. Austin Mosley at Paradigm Chiropractic today to schedule a free chiropractic consultation.